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Monday, July 5, 2010

Monthly Web Easy Tips You Be Mobile Version

Maybe so many have wanted to add a mobile version of the content we've created whether on blogs or on personal web that we have, but sometimes we are lazy because it's made him a convert from the form of original content to the mobile version requires a deepening of its own about the language XML web programming.

Now there has been a free service that can change all of our content to the mobile version of the conventional form, ie Feed2Mobile.

Feed2Mobile is a free service provided by Kaywa to convert existing content into a form view so that when accessed from mobile phone browser will display it becomes more simple and comfortable to read.

We live into web Feed2Mobile at this address:, and enter the feed address (or often also known as RSS) that has been available / in your blog or our web. Once generated it will produce a link that when accessed via mobile phones will generate a mobile version of his blog or our website.

To simplify the understanding that I intend here follow the instructions that will let me give you the following:

1. Type Feed2Mobile address at:
2. Once open its main page, please enter the URL of the feed / RSS is available on the blog / your website and do not forget to enter the captcha code that exists. Please find out the first address or RSS feeds for you who do not know the link in your blog / your website.
- To, usually feed URL is
- For his usual URL is
http://alamat_blog_anda/feed RSS
3. If it is converted by Feed2Mobile, then you will get a mobile version of the URL content blog / your website, its URL is usual

Yes, so the mobile version of your URL is (numbers that show your ID number).
Mobile version of web / blog content can be accessed by readers loyal web / blog you no matter where they are located.

Okay, a little tips from me, because we're not likely to tell our friends if the web / blogs we have go mobile by giving such a long URL address provided by Feed2Mobile, then it's good friends make a subdomain of the website / blog that allows people to remember your URL address of the mobile content website / blog.

For example by creating a subdomain or directly in-redirect or redirected to the URL provided by Feed2Mobile, if that do not have their own domain name also do not get discouraged.

You can be creative as possible in order to outsmart the URL from Feed2Mobile was not necessary to remember, but just remember a simple URL that you pass it on to readers of web / blog, for example by using existing facilities at or

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