One trick is to beautify the picture frame member photos. However, it is not merely a good frame of box-shaped or circular. This time, we will create a frame-shaped leaves with a stone pattern. To make a leaf shape stone frame, we need the tricks of a rather complicated because by default, Photoshop CS does not provide leaf shape.
The steps to do are:
1. Select Rounded Rectangle Tool and click on the Radius, enter the number 50 px. Then make a rectangle, oval on canvas. Raster the rectangular shape by using the menu Layer - Rasterize - Shape.
5. Click the Magic Wand Tool and the field is oval and rectangular.
6. Press Del then press Ctrl + E.
7. Press Del once again to make holes in the leaves of stone objects.
8. Press Ctrl + D to remove the selection.
9. To decorate the frame, select the menu Layer - Layer Style - Drop Shadow. Enter the following settings:
To place a photo:
1. Open the photo file will be framed.
2. Click and Drag and Drop images into the object leaves the stone. Adjust image size to fit.
3. Drag the image layer is formed, positioned below the layer leaf stone.
Final results as shown below :
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